Payment of railway tariffs
In the modern world, the transportation service requires the delivery of cargo to the destination point not only on the territory of the country, but often with the crossing of the borders of two or even three states, and this leads to the need to pay state tariffs for loaded and empty mileage, taking into account the specifics of the legislation of independent states.
Unique regulations and legislative acts of different countries make the transportation service a costly and complex process that requires narrow specialization and special knowledge.
High-quality organization of transportation by professionals, including the service of paying tariffs, significantly saves both delivery time and money. In this regard, one of the most popular services among customers is the ability to pay tariffs, including tariffs of neighboring countries.
Maxima Logistics LLC has direct contracts for the payment of tariffs with Russian railways and railways of the CIS countries and a number of neighboring states.:


















The company is ready to provide consulting services on the most optimal method of transportation at the time of cargo readiness. Payment of the railway tariff for Europe and third countries is made through a reliable partner network. The company's employees will offer you an operational calculation of the cost of transportation according to the current tariff policy with subsequent payment of the mileage tariff for both loaded and empty rolling stock.
The tariff is calculated in a regularly updated internal system developed by employees of the company's IT department in accordance with many years of operating experience, both in the domestic and foreign transport markets. One of the main criteria for accurate calculation is the provision of reliable shipping information by the Client. For correct and accurate calculation, the following information will be required: route, type and quantity of the required rolling stock, name of the cargo, weight of the cargo, HS code of the cargo, special conditions of transportation (heavy cargo, non-ferrous metal, dangerous cargo, oversized cargo, etc.). For more detailed advice on this issue and to receive the cost of transportation, it is necessary to contact the Company's employees by corporate phone
+7(495) 989-64-69
Upon receipt of the request, authorized employees will make a calculation according to the specified parameters and prepare a commercial offer, which will be sent to the email address specified by the Client.