The Maxexpress company engaged in container transportation in Russia is a reliable business partner of Maxima Logistics. This is the first partner with whom it was possible to test electronic document flow through the operator SKB Kontur.
During the period of the implemented technology, more than 500 documents were signed and sent through the EDO operator. The transition to electronic document management made it possible to reduce the costs of production and forwarding of paper documents and increase the speed of approval and signing of documents. All partners noticed the speed and economy of new technologies for the exchange of documents. An important event on the market in the third quarter was the contract signed by SKB Kontur and three other major EDO operators: Korus Consulting, Tensor and Takskom.
In accordance with this quadripartite agreement, each of them becomes a roaming operator and can provide transit of documents to any other market participant. This agreement makes it easier for clients working through other operators to connect to the EDI.